
dubbing director造句

"dubbing director"是什么意思   


  1. She is now a dubbing director, writer and translator at Chennai.
  2. Eltra dubbing director Chris Kemp said the agency had implemented quality control measures.
  3. And the Germans : No life ! " dubbing director Francesco Vairano said dismissively.
  4. "' Roger Cudney "'is an American actor, singer, dubbing director, radio and television announcer.
  5. In later years he also became a dubbing director.
  6. It's difficult to find dubbing director in a sentence. 用dubbing director造句挺难的
  7. Many voice actors are also dubbing directors, people that direct other voice actors, and translators.
  8. Usually, with studio president and voice actress Mona Ghosh Shetty who is also a dubbing director.
  9. She was also a dubbing director and her daughter, Mona Ghosh Shetty, is a voice actress and singer.
  10. "' Andrzej Cezary Precigs "'( born 22 August 1949 in Warsaw ) is a dubbing director and local politician.
  11. "' Patrizio Prata "'( born February 2, 1972 in Milan ) is an Italian voice actor and dubbing director.
  12. De Martino was also very active in the field of dubbing, and he was dubbing director for more than 1, 500 films.
  13. Meanwhile, Pompeu ( Paulo Jos?), the dubbing director falls in love with Marialva and says he will direct a film starring her.
  14. Descending from a filmmaker background, his father, 羠p醖 Szab?was a cinematographer of documentary-and short films, his mother, Anna Sz醤t?a dubbing director.
  15. "' Tadeusz Tomasz Marzecki "'( born 16 April 1949 ) is a dubbing director who rarely appears in person on TV or in film.
  16. He is also a dubbing director, and has directed the dubbing of numerous foreign-language feature films and television series, both live action and animation.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "dubbilex"造句
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  7. "dubbing engineer"造句
  8. "dubbing in"造句
  9. "dubbing janaki"造句
  10. "dubbing machine"造句

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